Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Deadline is passed....now what?

The deadline for submitting your materials to obtain a recommendation is past....so if you are just looking for recs now, what can you do? 

Here is some help...

1) Visit your campus' Greek Life webpage. Make a list of all of the sororities on campus. You are looking for National Panhellenic Council or Panhellenic Council houses. Check out the part of the site which refers to recommendations. There are usually procedures and requirements there. Keep track of which houses you obtain recs for.

2) Ask women you know, have your mom/aunt/cousin ask women they know. ANY alumnae in good standing can write a recommendation for you. Writing a recommendation is usually just completing a form of questions and then submitting that form along with your picture(s) and resume. Every house has their own procedure; advise your writer to go to their national sorority website and search for 'sponsorship.'

3) For houses you cannot find an alum for, go to the sororities' national website. Just google the house name (Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, etc.) and you should get a headquarters, national website. On the site look for Alumnae Chapters in Chicago. If there is one, you should find a website or contact information. Contact that alum chapter directly and ask for help obtaining a recommendation. Make sure you have your resume and picture readily available to email.

4) Relax....for the majority of recruitments around the nation recommendations are a bonus, they are not required. Not having a recommendation should not prevent you from landing in a wonderful house of friends.

LTAPA is always here to answer your recruitment questions. Feel free to email us anytime for advice and assistance!